Tips for aspiring and to be successful artists

“Artist” is a flexible term that encompasses everyone who is active in the various fields of art.  Even in, you can find some forms of art in there.

Tips on how to become a successful artist and what you should pay attention to along the way

Internalize the process

Like everything in life, your endeavor to become an artist is also a process that requires a lot of perseverance to make it happen.

In the individual branches of art, it can happen that individual artists suddenly seem to have immense success, while only very few realize that such success stories usually follow years of hard work.

Artistic talent

Talent usually describes a person’s ability to quickly and easily realize their own potential in a certain area. Artistically talented people are therefore particularly creative, but still require a lot of practice to convert this talent into ability and skill.

At the same time, the people who are particularly talented in one thing and who practice relentlessly in order to forge their skills usually have a higher upper limit on ability in the field.

Your personality

Your personality is the most influenceable factor on the way to becoming a successful artist. You may have to do a lot of fine-tuning before you are able to make a living from your art.

The following factors of your personality appear to be the most important

  • Perseverance and patience
  • Communication and self-marketing
  • The pursuit of improvement and tireless diligence

In art in particular, it is important to take a break from everyday life in order to refresh creative resources and empty your “working memory”.

Art studies: yes or no?

Assuming you know early on that you want to become an artist, the question that arises is probably whether it is worth studying art. Whether an art degree is right for you is of course not a yes-no decision and should definitely not be forced upon you by anyone other than yourself.

Formal training of the degree can bring you further in many aspects. The university provides you with tools and equipment that you would otherwise have very difficult access to. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of your art is necessary if you want to teach your art later.

The portfolio: your figurehead

If you want to be hired as an artist or introduce yourself to agencies, you have to be able to demonstrate your skills. You have to develop a portfolio that highlights your strengths and illustrates your style.


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